Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 4

Upon retuning to the workshop yesterday, I was determined to get this project going. My uncle and I discussed what I will be doing for this project and I decided that I want to bezel set (sample picture attached) a stone. I went into the vault and decided that I want to use a blue topaz stone to work with.

I began by cutting a strip of silver out of a big sheet. Next, I brushed some acid on it and began to anele the piece. I did this by heating the piece up until it turns a lightish brown color. Once the piece turned brown, I dropped it in a tub of acid for about two minutes. I then rinsed it off and began my next step which was shaping the bezel. I had to take rounded pliers and shape the silver in a circle to fit the stone by pinching it with the pliers and turning the piece.

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